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On April 20th of 2024, Thor sadly lost his life in a battle with a rival stallion. He was 13 years old. His sire was the late Booker Rose who passed away at the age of 21 in the winter of 2022'. His mother was Taboo, who is still the lead mare in Thor's natal band. For a few years Thor had one mare, Shakira, who ended up with stallion Tahlequah. Thor would then stay with his natal band along side band stallion Tahlequah, acting as his lieutenant. Thor would spend most of his days looking out for his family. Fending off eager bachelors. But he also had alot of love and compassion for his family, showing a sensitive side to young foals born in the band. In the fall of 2023 he would finally become a father and sired his first foal, filly Thora. He was a proud sire, and it showed and as he always had his eye on her. He loved her deeply.
On the afternoon of April 20th, 2024, new band stallion Lucien(Dale) was being very territorial, which is common amongst young new band stallions. Lucien would try and run off Thor & Tahlequah's band along with Splaash's band. Thor decided to stand up to Lucien, and a battle between the two broke out. Lucien landed a vicious blow to the head of Thor, causing him to back down. As the minutes went by Thor held on before he fell to his side. His family would stand above him while he took his last breaths, and ultimately would say their goodbyes. Sadly this does happened in the wild mustang world. Thor wasn't one to back down from anyone. No matter the size of his competitor, he always stood fast. He left this world with loyalty and honor. Thor now rests in the peaks, with many others before him.
His spirit will live on for eternity in the Peaks. He was a beacon of the peaks. Captured my heart as I felt your soul. He represented something more than a wild stallion. He was the perfect representation of beauty, grace, power, charisma, and fierceness. The countless hours and days I spent with him will forever be a memory. Hiking in the winter, and the snow, the 90 degree summer days, the cool rainy springs, cause I wanted to be with my friend. The stories he told me will live on and will repeat in my head on the days I’m sitting in the dirt, with nothing but the sounds of the whistling winds through the sage and the hills of the peaks. He will always be with me and I will forever miss him.
It was an honor and a blessing to have you in my life. Until we meet again, may you gallop in the golden fields above with your blonde mane flowing, and the reflection of the sky matching the color of your eyes. You were born free, and free you will forever be.
A collection of some memorable moments of Thor over the years in an 8.5x11 Calendar.
Fine Art Available - When you saw this look from Thor, you didnt want to be on the other end of it lol Thankfully there was a bachelor behind me on this morning when I took this that he was fixin to chase away.
Fine Art Available - Thor enjoying a peaceful moment at the waterhole with his mare Takoda
Fine Art Available - When that nose went to the ground, and those ears went back, you knew Thor was on a mission. Thor was already a work of art, but watching him work and seeing his body in motion, that was a masterpiece.
Fine Art Available - The amount of closeups shots I have of Thor are just too many to count lol. But what’s special about them is I never invaded his space to get shots like these. He always came up, like he was saying hello, then he would kinda shake is head up and down and go back to grazing, and I would continue to sit in the dirt just at peace. I had his trust and he always had mine.
Fine Art Available - Thor sneaking through the snow and brush..
Fine Art Available - There were times I was with Thor where it felt like I was in the middle of a story out of a greek mythology book. He was so majestic that it almost didn't feel real being in his presence. Like I was dreaming. Blessed that it was all a reality.