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Wildlife photography is so fascinating but yet challenging. Note, I dont recommend anyone to do wildlife photography without a telephoto lens. Not only do you have to keep yourself a safe distance away from the animal, but you also do not want to frighten them in the process of capturing the photo.
Bald Eagle 1
Sandhill Crane
Rough Legged Hawk
Turkey Vulture
Golden Eagle
Bald Eagle in Flight
Harlequin Duck of Lee Hardy Rapids
Singing Meadowlark
Blue Herron
Bald Eagle 2
Eared Grebe
Bald Eagle Take Off
Great Horned Owl
Clarks Fork Birdie
Surveying the area
Northern Harrier Hawk
Rough Legged Hawk
Prairie Falcon
Sandhill Crane
Red-Tailed Hawk
Clarks Fork Birdie
Yellow Headed Blackbird
Golden Eagle
Bufflehead gliding across the river
Sage Grouse
Red Headed Ducks in flight
Violet-Green Swallow
Red Tail Hawk
Eastern Kingbird
House Finch
Bank Swallow
Mountain Bluebird
Spotted Towhee
American Goldfinch
Lazuli Bunting